Friday, October 1, 2010


Sometimes we get busy with our jobs because it is required of us or because we want to improve our position. Sometimes we get busy to avoid other things. Sometimes I don't know which category I am falling into that day.

I love my job. I am respected there and people appreciate me. It's nice to be wanted, but it's easy to let that control your plans and goals. I mean afterall, didn't we as victims of sexual abuse cooperate in keeping silence because someone else told us to. It was expected of us. I was threatened often. Some of you were too, I'm sure. So we kept the secret and worked around this terrible secret basically allowing it to change our plans and goals in our lives. To not let it control our plans and decisions would mean we would have to tell. That was too scary at the time.

So, I find that making people happy, making sure they like me sometimes is too important to me. I'm learning to not care so much. At least I'm learning to be me better and then it's easier to not feel like you have to please others all the time. It's a work in progress. But I guess we all are.

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